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CBS Early Show "SAM" video



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April 10, 2006



Warm howdy to you,your ppl and dog friends. I have placed the contest page up in our virtual community, Jewel of Indra. Needless to say, my heart went for little tater tot. It was that look of "I didn't do anything! I'm breaking outa here!" plus that mean looking hair action on the top of her head. I have also placed in the community the contest stats as they stand right now. Placed on the feedback board in the community that my heart was for tater tot. Ugly can be cute too! ;)
Wish tater the best of luck and very sorry to hear of SAM's passing. One true well loved and uglyyyyy dog.


OK, I just read the interview and saw that Pee-Wee isn't your dog. So do you really want us to vote for Tator Tot? She's just not THAT ugly!

Nice interview, BTW. Dogs are such wonderful creatures, no matter what they look like. :-)

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