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CBS Early Show "SAM" video



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July 29, 2005



The fact that you love Sam enough to make this wonderful tribute to him, just puts warmth in my hear. The more I learn about Sam the more he does become huggable. HEHEHEHE. My heart goes out to you, I know what its like to loose a close family pet. They are more than just animals. They become our children.

Thanks for the oppertunity to get to know SAM

Madison SD

sam fan

we (me and my buddies)
remember sam by using his
photos as wallpaper-dia-show!

we are so sad sam is gone!

PS: by the way ...
i'm from munich/germany!

PPS: can't sam be cloned?

sam fan


Sam is beautiful...

Roger Svarthe

what a cool dog!!where can i get one of those??seriously i got to get one of those!!


Sam is werry cute i think.
Sam The ugly dog winner?
I Dont think so!
OMG! I hate you people who think sam is ugly!! Mother fuckers!!

Ellie Balladares

I have a Crested of my own,they are great!
Some have more hair, and less blemishes but they are gentle, loving, and devoted.


This comment on had me in tears of laughter for 30 minutes, I still can't read it without laughing like a madman:

"Incomprehencible. If that thing approached me on the street, I would be convinced that the undead have risen. Then I'd run."

Another comment suggested Sam has seen The Dark Crystal a few too many times and has become a Skeksis.

What an interesting critter.


What a cool dog, and great story of his rescue - at first I thought he was the inspiration for that "tales from the crypt" muppet, but he's so unusual he's 'de facto' cool! Go, Sam, go!


awwwww, he's the sweetest thing i've ever seen. what a baby.


The big question to ask is, did the creators of Gremlins inspire them selves on Sam or was it the opposite?



Click on the url below to compare.

Jeff Kitchens

I think it is the crypt keeper. I cannot tell the differance. I know he had trouble finding work after bordello of blood. If we check the timeline it could be him. lol


Is that the crypt keepers dog? Or did sam run through the ugly forest?


I think Sam is beautiful. I love ALL dogs. Every single last dog EVER, anywhere. The only ugly animals I've ever seen are people.


tried to look for more of Sam's history, but no luck.
am fascinated, and think he's JUST GORGEOUS - I'd love hime too! and Craig Williams is a moron - people feel sympathy for Sam, not his owner. duh!


I personally think he is the coolest looking dog ive ever seen, I bet he could get parts in films.

Unfortunateley for him though he looks totally blind.

Im going to find out what a healthy one looks like.



Satin, Princess of Darkness

"If Satin had a dog, this would be it! He is Ug-ly!"

I am more of a cat entity, actually. You must mean my brother, Satan....

(and actually, the famed hounds of hell are Standard Poodles.)


I love ALL animals, not just the cute, furry ones. Be it a rat, snake or puppy, they all deserve love. But even I had to say - "Dear, sweet, Jesus -for the love of all things holy, that is one ugly friggin' dog". But then I felt horrible. I'll bet this lil' darling dog is a real cuddle bug and I am happy he is so well loved.


i'm so glad sam has a home....

even if he's being abit exploited.......

but at least he has a home


Coal and Bianca

We Love Sam , he is a GOD, we are his number 1 fans...Go Sam !>a small black poodle and a silly mini american eskimo dog...


Holy cow, a zombie dog! That pooch is so ugly he could be a modern art masterpiece! He should be in movies!

BTW, why are his nails not cut? Sam would still be ugly but in a lot less pain...


I commend sam for being sam. The second place dog must be crushed.

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